What are your 2014 digital marketing resolutions?
You’re probably thinking “Shouldn’t a blog post like this have come out at the end of December when I was actually thinking about resolutions?” I suppose it could have, but I let you have the first few weeks of the year to focus on your personal resolutions. Now that you’ve got healthy eating and exercise under control, it’s time to think about your business.
A lot changed in 2013…
If you haven’t seen my 2014 digital landscape presentation, you’re pretty lucky, turns out my jokes are not actually that funny. The message however, was one of rapid change in digital marketing. It was easy to feel overwhelmed with all the changes so instead of worrying about everything, let’s just worry about a few things – your 2014 marketing resolutions.
Resolve to blog more
You don’t have a blog yet? Oh dear. Do you think that SEO is still all about link-building too? (Time to read a few SEO posts and get caught up.)
The bottom line is that Google favours sites that are frequently updated with interesting and original content. Blogging more doesn’t just mean banging out an article as quickly as you can. It’s about providing your audience with something of value. It’s something that we’re working on here at Vovia too…how to create content that marketers love.
Resolve to embrace the shift to mobile
Mobile is big and it’s only going to get bigger. Do you know what percentage of your site traffic comes via mobile or tablet? What kind of user experience are you providing them? Smart companies are realizing that there is huge opportunity in providing a great mobile experience.
Are you advertising on mobile? With global mobile ad spend projected at $18 billion for 2014 and mobile traffic expected to surpass desktop this year, you can’t afford to pass on a piece of the pie. Mmmmmmm pie…
Resolve to get on Google+
The changes to how Google displays search results have led to a surge in businesses claiming their Google+ page. If you want your brand displayed in the “Brand Box”, a Google+ page is a must. If you’re blogging (which you obviously are, based on resolution #1), then Google authorship can help increase CTR’s by 30%-150%. With 17% of Google queries including at least one instance of author verification in the first 100 search results, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this new social credibility for search.
So there you have it! 3 great new digital marketing resolutions to start off 2014. What are you focusing on in the year ahead? Let us know in the comments!