Get to Know… Aashish!
What is your role at Vovia?
I am a SEM and Paid Social Specialist, which means I am the guy who helps strategize and optimize your online campaign to ensure your investment is paying off. More specifically, the strategy (what?), implementation (how?), and reporting (why?) is what we do here at Vovia. Welcome to my world!
What do you do in your spare time?
I recently moved to Canada, so in my spare time, I enjoy talking to my parents, girlfriend, and other relatives back in India. It is nice to know what is happening in their lives.
My remaining spare time goes into developing my website,, and its content (it helps that I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and experience in online marketing). It primarily helps those who are just getting started with SEM, social media and/or analytics by sharing my experiences/difficulties I have faced in these areas. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Additionally, most people here at Vovia will tell you that I like to keep fit, but it becomes difficult to believe when you see me gorge on all the office candies. Yumm!
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise people.
There are a couple of things that come to mind. Firstly, most people find it hard to believe that I come from Mumbai, India (and yes, there have been a few!).
Secondly, I used to play a lot of sports while in school. I have won medals at the national level in shot put and discus, participated in state/province level judo competitions (I have a brown belt hiding somewhere back home!), and played a lot of soccer for my school team.
Lastly, I am a Manchester United fan so better watch out before talking ill about them around me. (Just kidding… or maybe not!)
What do you love/what are you most passionate about?
I love learning and improving myself as a person and marketer, which has led me to read a lot of self-improvement and management books. This also includes subscribing and listening to marketing podcasts on my way to and from work.
Working at Vovia has increased my intellectual curiosity because there is so much out there in the online marketing space to learn, test, and improve, and Vovia has allowed me to start scratching its surface.
What is the best part about working at Vovia?
Ping pong table, First Friday with beers, candies, cute dogs, office location, all of which are preceded by the kind, helpful, innovative and hardworking people.
So we hear you like to travel, where are your favourite spots to visit?
I have developed a liking for travelling, especially after my whirlwind tour in 2017 where I visited Goa, India twice – once at the start and end of the year. Squished in between these trips, I got a chance to visit Dublin, Ireland for a few weeks as well. Lots of museums, greenery, and history. Everyone should experience this place if they get the chance.
I also got a chance to visit Bali, Indonesia with my family around the time when Mount Agung was about to erupt. It delayed and spoiled the end of our trip but what we saw of Bali before that was absolutely beautiful. It was truly paradise, far away from the bustling city noise of Mumbai.
There are a few other trips I have planned over the next few years to places in Europe and South America. Come back later to learn more!