Get to Know… Warren!
What is your role at Vovia?
I am a Jr. SEO/CRO Specialist, which means I am responsible for learning, assisting, and delivering search engine optimization and conversion rate optimization strategies for clients.
English Please…
Right now I am the young grasshopper, learning the ins and outs of SEO and CRO while fusing my previous digital experience. If it’s still too confusing, you can watch the movie “The One” with Jet Li and you will understand everything. “There has never been anything greater than what I have become” (or so the Lead SEO/CRO guy tells me).
What is your favourite part of the job?
Everything! A broad and bold statement, but entirely true. I enjoy diving into projects, determining where changes can benefit the customer and ultimately making our client’s sites perform better. Additionally, my team is full of dedicated individuals who are masters of their craft. It’s a rewarding experience working alongside each person and equally rewarding to learn from them.
I also was recently named the “best looking man” at Vovia! In an office wide survey, 100% of respondents indicated that I was the best looking. In retrospect, there was only one response.. and it might of been from me… Whatever, results are results!
We understand you have been trying to live in every Province in Canada, is this true?
It’s not untrue… And it’s been a blast living in each place! Raised in Ontario, college in New Brunswick, university in Nova Scotia, work in Montreal, and now here at Vovia all in the span of 5 years. This has allowed me to meet new people, experience the cultural flavours of each region, and take in our country’s landscape. Not to mention the 10 day drive I took from Montreal to Calgary.
Don’t panic though, there are no plans for relocation anytime soon…unless of course Vovia wants an employee on Elsmere Island? No?!? Fair enough…
Here at Vovia we embrace our inner geek. Do you have the geek genome?
My inner geek is what originally led me into the digital marketing space. A fan of all things technology and marketing, it only made sense that I blended my love for both.
Outside of SEO, I keep up to date on everything related to the video game industry, consumer electronics, and the car industry. OH, and my religious affiliation is Reddit!
What is your favourite weekend activity?
Growing up in rural Ontario I lived in what is considered to be the “boonies” and this definitely shaped the way I choose to spend my free time. I enjoy good ol’ fashion “tire fires”, wilderness, camping, hiking, biking, and virtually every winter sport with the exception of cross-country skiing, or as I like to call it “plateau skiing that breaks your ankles”. I also spend quite a bit of time grooming my beard, but that’s a full time job.